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Why Child Abuse Happens

Why do children get abused? Why Child Abuse Happens

Both boys and girls can be abused. The commonest person to abuse a child is someone the child knows well, such as the father, brother, uncle, other male relative, family friend, housemaid, babysitter or neighbour. The adult takes advantage of his close relationship and control over the child. Families in which child abuse is taking place are often also families where there are other forms of violence (such as the father being violent towards the mother). Many abusers were abused themselves during their own childhood.

Why Child Abuse Happens Less often, a child may be abused by a stranger. In some situations, children who are already vulnerable, such as those living on the streets, can be abused and used as sex workers by adults. This is especially worrying in some parts of the world where tourism and rapid urban growth have led to a breakdown of the community networks that protected children. Most abusers are men. Some are immature, lonely, isolated men and may have a drink or drug problem, but most do not appear odd or behave in an unusual manner.


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