Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

December, 2012

Symptoms of depression in women and men

The symptoms of depression  in women and men tend to fall into four main groupings: emotions or feelings; physical symptoms; thought patterns; and behavioural symptoms. Emotions: feeling like crying a lot; feeling alone (even in company); feeling sad, depressed upset, hopeless, despairing, or just numb; feeling anxious, irritable, or unreasonably angry; feeling lethargic; having no interest […]

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Sources of depression

There are very many different ways in which someone can become depressed, and there are several different views on depression that are presented later. Often a series of overwhelming life events coming soon, one after the other, will result in a depressive reaction; or it can come (most frequently) from a build-up of general life […]

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Anti-stress foods

Certain nutrients have been shown to help with stress. The “fighting five” are the vitamins A, C, and E and the minerals zinc and selenium. These disarm those “nasty” free radicals produced under stress. Foods containing such antioxidants include: plums, tomatoes, kiwi fruits, dark green vegetables (cabbage, kale, broccoli, spinach), seafood, sesame seeds, and pumpkin […]

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Stress management and relaxation techniques

There are several different stress management and relaxation techniques and some suggestions have been given earlier. Specific stress management and relaxation techniques need to work for you. You cannot “fail” the technique, though the technique might “fail” to help you. Before you try any relaxation technique, try to make sure that you are reasonably capable […]

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Best ways to relax naturally

Besides doing exercise, it is really important to relax as well. However, only try relaxing first thing in the morning, or some time after you have exercised. Done regularly, this will help you to rebalance your basic bodily functioning (the autonomic nervous system), which is what gets overstressed. For most people under stress, it is […]

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Yoga or Alexander Technique for headaches

Many headaches arise from muscle tension in the back of the neck, sometimes due to storing stress there, and sometimes from bad posture. Both these techniques can help your posture and make it less likely that you will store stress there. The Alexander Technique has also been shown to be effective in reducing the disability […]

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Fitting exercise into your life

As explained, aerobic exercise is a very important tool in the struggle to defeat stress, and it is also very good for anxiety and depression. In fact, it is excellent for all forms of mental health. It is great for general health as well: it can help to cut down on the risk of your […]

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Ways to deal with stress: top 12 ways of dealing with stress

How to deal with stress? There are 12 ways to deal with stress. The main anti-stress self-help principles are laid out below in a twelve-point plan. 1.Exercise more. The important features are not what you do, but how much, and how often. Regularity is essential, and so is making it aerobic (getting out-of-breath and a […]

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The physiology of stress

Sometimes it is helpful to understand a little more about the physiology of stress. Like each and every animal on this planet, we, the human animal, have a nervous system that “runs” our bodies without us ever thinking about it: it is called the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). This organizes the heart, lungs, kidneys, muscle […]

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Symptoms of stress in women and men

The physical symptoms of stress are very varied. You may experience: feeling tired all the time; your body feeling heavy and listless; worsening sleep patterns; either a poor appetite, or cravings for certain foods: chocolate, junk food, coffee, alcohol; constipation or diarrhoea; constantly breaking down into tears; low sex drive; nervous habits like nail biting, […]

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