Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

March, 2014

Creative activities are well suited to clients

Examples of frequently used creative activities include crafts, baking, writing, music and gardening. The therapeutic aims of these activities as with all activities as previously stated are numerous. They can include the learning of new skills and the experience of success and subsequent increased confidence through participation in and completion of a task. For some, […]

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activeties of daily living are indicator of mental and physical wellbeing

activeties of daily living are indicator of mental and physical wellbeing This term refers to the range of activities undertaken by us all in our day-to-day lives. Attention is paid as to how a person copes with daily-life occupations in the areas of work, leisure and self-care. These activities are usually categorised under the following […]

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activity based intervention approach

Activity based interventions cover a broad therapeutic spectrum. They range from task-based activities, including those that have a social and communication aim to those with a psychotherapeutic focus. Traditionally, these interventions have been provided by occupational therapists whose core skills lie in the analysis and application of purposeful activity; however, many other professions now contribute […]

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therapeutic interventions ideas

The term ‘therapeutic intervention’ covers a range of treatments and activities aimed at enabling individuals to recover from a disorder or distress. The treatments and activities may have specific functions but each contributes to the overall well-being of the individual and that of the family, where appropriate. Therefore, no single treatment or activity can claim […]

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Communication with people with dementia

Communication with people with dementia is often considered to be a challenge. Indeed, some people talk as though it is not possible for those in the later stages to communicate at all and that those in the earlier stages are unable to communicate meaningfully. It depends on what is considered to be communication. Verbal and […]

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dementia impact on family dementia impact on family

Impact of dementia on the family: quality of life as a carer The effect of dementia on family carers is well documented. The Admiral Nursing Service was established to work specifically with family carers of people with dementia. Their assessment schedule focuses not only on the client’s needs but  more significantly on those of the […]

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Traumatic Experiences In the field of mental health, the word ‘‘trauma’’ generally connotes a wide range of intensely stressful experiences that involve exposure to levels of danger and fear that exceed normal capacity to cope. In the DSM-III and DSM-III-R, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) defined trauma as an event that is ‘‘outside the range of usual human experience’’ and likely to ‘‘evoke significant symptoms of distress in most people.’’ The DSM-III/III-R definitions of trauma were based on the notion that most people exposed to catastrophic, but presumably uncommon, events such as rape, war, torture, or natural disaster would be likely to show signs and symptoms of serious psychological distress.

Traumatic Experiences In the field of mental health, the word ‘‘trauma’’ generally connotes a wide range of intensely stressful experiences that involve exposure to levels of danger and fear that exceed normal capacity to cope. In the DSM-III and DSM-III-R, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) defined trauma as an event that is ‘‘outside the range […]

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cannabis drug detection and frequency

Cannabis Although not generally available for therapeutic use research into the various potential medicinal benefits of tetrahydrocannabinols – THC (the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis) is in progress. Cannabis can come as a green/brown block of compressed resin (‘hash’, ‘blow’, ‘draw’) or as herbal cannabis, the leaves, stalks and seeds of the plant (‘marijuana’, ‘grass’, ‘weed’). […]

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dementias impact on patients:one case

IMPACT of dementia ON THE INDIVIDUAL’S LIFE dementias impact on patients:one case. Mr Owen was 74 years old. For as long as he could remember, he had been a perfectionist, with a keen eye for detail. He began to notice that he was unable to recall why he had entered a room. After making light […]

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impact of dementia on a person’s daily life

Impact of Dementia on the individual’s life Dementia undoubtedly affects an individual’s life in just about every aspect. The impact begins as the changes start to take place. Forgetting things is a common experience and one that we all have, but forgetfulness associated with dementia is a very different experience, as the following scenario illustrates. […]

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