Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

April, 2016

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for suicidal adolescents

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for suicidal adolescents Beyond theoretical and clinical discussions, there is unfortunately no direct empirical support for the effi cacy of psychodynamic treatment of suicidal adolescents or young adults. While there is little dispute that psychodynamic theories have much to offer both clinically and conceptually, some caution about psychodynamic psychotherapy’s usefulness is in order […]

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treatment for suicide prevention

treatment for suicide prevention A number of studies are emerging which elucidate the psychology of suicide and suicidal behaviors, particularly the hopelessness, absence of future thinking, lack of problem-solving skills, tendency toward impulsivity, and presence of psychological pain (Berman et al., 2006). These larger conceptual constructs are not necessarily diagnosis specifi c (Henriques, Beck, & […]

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hospitalization for suicide attempts

hospitalization for suicide attempts Given the stigma, managed care constraints, signifi cantly reduced numbers of available inpatient beds, and other issues, hospitalizations are not the answer for every suicidal student. Indeed, the need for hospitalization, management while hospitalized, and postdischarge planning are all tinged with medicallegal implications and liability issues for clinicians, other counseling center […]

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suicide crisis intervention techniques

suicide crisis intervention techniques With regard to suicidality there is one primary goal of crisis intervention: to keep the patient safe until the crisis has resolved. Therefore, extraordinary means of maintaining safety and stability, including voluntary or even involuntary hospitalization, are sometimes necessary. Crisis intervention with suicidal students typically includes these protective measures: (a) restricting […]

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suicude assessment ways

suicude assessment ways While we cannot predict future behavior with certainty, clinicians can make a reasonable judgment regarding the degree of present danger. A thorough assessment of all aspects of suicidality—ideation, behavioral rehearsals of lethal actions, prior attempts, and past and current intentions—will inquire into risk factors, warning signs, and protective factors. These can be […]

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Protective factors of suicide

Protective factors of suicide Protective factors are believed to enhance resilience and counterbalance risk factors (U.S. DHHS, 2001). Promoting healthy behaviors and protecting students from health risks are some of the preventive interventions available to college students (Silverman et al., 1997). College campuses provide student support services, including easy and lowcost access to physical and […]

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Warning signs of suicide

Warning signs of suicide Many risk factors are historical or immutable, and hence not targets of intervention, such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, and family history of psychiatric illness. Therefore attention has focused on elucidating warning signs of acute risk (Rudd, 2003; Rudd et al., in press). Verbal warning signs are as follows: “I’m thinking of […]

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Risk factors of suicidal behaviors

Although true one-to-one causation is diffi cult to establish, certain risk factors, alone or in combination, are associated with increased risk for suicidal behaviors and completed suicides. Due to the overlap in age between adolescents and college students, the risk factors for adolescents also generally apply to college students. Recently a major report on treating […]

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