Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

alcohol dependence

Managing alcohol dependence

Managing alcohol dependence Detoxification Alcohol dependence usually requires controlled withdrawal (detoxifi cation) with an attenuation therapy (such as a benzodiazepine), as abrupt cessation of alcohol can induce one of the withdrawal states (Box 14.5). Detoxifi cation is increasingly taking place in the community, but inpatient detoxifi cation is recommended for those at risk of suicide, […]

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How to diagnose drug and alcohol dependence

To diagnose alcohol (or drug) dependence, the person must have at least two of the following symptoms for at least one month: • drinking (or drug use), which has led to personal problems such as losing his job or health problems such as accidents or jaundice; • difficulty in controlling the use of alcohol (or […]

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The key features and symptoms of alcohol dependence

A person with alcohol dependence will experience some of the following features and symptoms: Physical • stomach problems, such as gastritis and ulcers • liver disease and jaundice • vomiting blood • vomiting or sickness in the mornings • tremors, especially in the mornings • accidents and injuries • withdrawal reactions, such as seizures (fits), […]

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