Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


Be careful of falling in to the wrong region when communicating

Communication is existed in everywhere and every time during daily work、living and studying. Active and effective communication skill is the important factor which determine to success in career、improve efficiency and promote affection. Although, you must grasp the following points during communication: 1. Superficially, communication seems simple. But it's hard to attain the goal in communication. Therefore, you must turn everything over in your mind […]

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Communication with people with dementia

Communication with people with dementia is often considered to be a challenge. Indeed, some people talk as though it is not possible for those in the later stages to communicate at all and that those in the earlier stages are unable to communicate meaningfully. It depends on what is considered to be communication. Verbal and […]

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Express more negative can facilitate communication

  When people communicating,some prefer to expressing their emotion,some prefer to suppress their emotion,which is better?Psychologists did an experiment to improve it.   They put a pair of “lady first approximately as mutual introduction, let the lady sit on the ends of a partition from 2 meters away. The experimenter explained, the purpose of the […]

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