Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


how do we diagnose schizophrenia?

Let us stop for a second and take stock. Schizophrenia, as we described, is diagnosed, in the same way as a cold is diagnosed, through the presence of a number of symptoms. These symptoms are split into two distinct groups, the positive and the negative. The positives are exceptional experiences which people who do not […]

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How to diagnose drug and alcohol dependence

To diagnose alcohol (or drug) dependence, the person must have at least two of the following symptoms for at least one month: • drinking (or drug use), which has led to personal problems such as losing his job or health problems such as accidents or jaundice; • difficulty in controlling the use of alcohol (or […]

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How to Diagnose Mental Disorders

To diagnose a severe mental disorder, the person must have at least two of these symptoms: • believing things that are untrue, for example that his thoughts are being controlled by outside forces or that people are trying to poison him (delusions); • hearing or seeing things that no one else can (hallucinations); often these […]

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How to Diagnose Mental Illness

How to Diagnose Mental Illness, for depression or anxiety ? The person must have had at least one of the following symptoms for at least two weeks: • feeling sad; • loss of interest in daily activities; • feeling tense or nervous or worrying a lot. Other symptoms that are frequently present and should be […]

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