Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


Effects of Opioid Abuse

Opiates Opiates are a group of drugs derived from the opium poppy. Synthetically produced opiates are known as opioids. Therapeutically these drugs can be used as painkillers (for example morphine, pethidine, dihydrocodeine), cough suppressants (for example, codeine linctus) and anti-diarrhoea agents (for example kaolin and morphine mixture). Methadone and buprenorphine are opioids used in the […]

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Alcohol Abuse Effects On Body

This section identifies commonly misused substances and describes how they are used, their effects and complications. If staff in mental health services are to work effectively with people with a dual diagnosis it is essential that they have this knowledge which will underpin assessment, subsequent care planning and treatment interventions. Having an understanding of the […]

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