Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


antiepileptic medications side effects

antiepileptic medications side effects Anti-epileptic medication can lead to drowsiness and poor concentration. Newer types of medication are less likely to do this. Below are the more commonly used types of anti-epileptic medication and their more common side effects described in alphabetical order. This is not an exhaustive list but should help you gain some […]

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Assessment and diagnosis of epilepsy

Doctors can find it difficult to diagnose epilepsy as there is not one particular test to use and many other things could be the cause of the symptoms. Also, when someone is not having a seizure his or her brain cells may behave as normal. The person might not be conscious during the seizure so […]

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Can epilepsy impair cognitive functioning?

Can epilepsy impair cognitive functioning? Cognitive functioning is the mental processes of knowing, thinking and learning. People who have intellectual disabilities have problems in these three areas usually due to the underlying brain damage rather than the epilepsy itself. If the seizures are well controlled and the medication regime is kept simple further difficulties with […]

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How common is epilepsy?

How common is epilepsy? The frequency of epilepsy occurring in people with intellectual disabilities is higher than in the rest of the population. About 30 per cent of people with intellectual disabilities also have epilepsy. The more severe the intellectual disability the more likely it is that the person will also have epilepsy.At least 50 […]

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What is the link between epilepsy and mental health problems?

People with epilepsy whether they have intellectual disabilities or not are more likely to have mental health problems than those who do not have epilepsy. Epilepsy itself is not a mental health problem. The association between the two can be thought of in a combination of biological, psychological and social terms (see also Chapter 1). […]

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What is epilepsy?

What is epilepsy? If someone has epilepsy this means that they have repeated seizures. Seizures are caused by a temporary change in the way someone’s brain cells work. During a seizure someone might ‘black out’ or have unusual feelings, thoughts or movements. It usually only lasts for a matter of seconds or minutes, but in […]

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epilepsy attack symptoms

it has been recognized there occasionally occur conditions which stimulate attacks of real epilepsy. On close analysis, however, it is found that these attacks have only a superficial resemblance to epilepsy, and that they are purely functional in nature. In all probability such conditions represent certain types of dissociations of consciousness. These attacks are known […]

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Most Common Drugs for Epilepsy

Prescribing drugs for a person with epilepsy • Select the drug of choice for the particular type of epilepsy. In general, carbamazepine is an effective and safe drug for both main types of epilepsy in adults. Sodium valproate is another effective drug. Phenytoin and phenobarbitone are useful mainly for generalised epilepsy. • Cost and side-effects […]

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Advice to the person with epilepsy and family

Advice to the person with epilepsy and family • Epilepsy is a long-term illness which may need medication for many years. • Epilepsy is not caused by witchcraft or spirits. • The key to treating epilepsy is regularly taking the prescribed medicines. • People with epilepsy can lead normal lives with some adjustments. They can […]

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Is epilepsy a mental illness?

Epilepsy is not a mental illness. It is caused by electrical changes in the brain. However, epilepsy is often considered a mental health problem for many reasons. Many cultures consider epilepsy as being caused by supernatural forces, such as witchcraft, similar to some types of mental illness. In partial seizures, odd behaviours may be observed. […]

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