Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mental illnesses

Mothers living with mental illnesses

Mothers living with mental illnesses are likely to benefit from a flexible array of services, supports, or providers who are characterized by their availability and accessibility. Mothers’ needs may well extend beyond the routine treatment session; they may benefit from access to “warm line” telephone or web-based supports at odd hours to avert bigger crises. […]

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Recovery Is a Family Process for Mothers with Mental Illnesses

Recovery Is a Family Process for Mothers with Mental Illnesses The course of mental illness—the emergence of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery—is rarely linear, and prognosis and outcomes may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as gender, race, and ethnicity. Our contention is that, in addition to the most commonly studied factors (e.g., […]

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Mental Illnesses in the Elderly

According to the survey of domestic psychological research institution, the scale of people suffering from cognitive function drop and dementia, psychological disorder, as well as anxiety disorder partly takes about ten percent, five percent and four percent is declining. This is the order of nature, so it is hard to reverse the process. The absence […]

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The types of mental illness and categories of mental illness

To detect and diagnose a mental illness, you have to depend almost entirely on what people tell you.The main tool in diagnosis is an interview with the person. Mental illness produces symptoms that sufferers or those close to them notice. There are five major types of symptoms: • Physical – ‘somatic’ symptoms. These affect the […]

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The Parent’s Mental Illness Presenting Through the Physically Well Infant

Parental Mental Health The review of referrals at RCHIMHG revealed that the majority of infants (75%) had at least one parent with a significant mental health problem. The full spectrum of mental health problems was represented— with parents experiencing mild anxiety or depressive symptoms through to posttraumatic stress disorder and to major psychotic illnesses. The […]

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What are the common major mental illnesses

The common major mental illnesses are: severe and enduring depression (very much nastier and deeper than anyone normally experiences); bipolar depression (which used to be called manicdepression); schizophrenia (also very poorly defined); dementia (Alzheimer’s and various other forms of mental ageing); and a variety of quite severe personality disorders. Many of these are categorized in […]

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