Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mood disorders

all about mood disorders and what causes it

A mood is a temporary feeling generally described as positive or negative, commonly referred to as a good or bad mood. The origin of a mood is vague. A person cannot explain why they are in a good or bad mood. Good moods are associated with less stress, such as when a task is completed […]

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mood and anxiety disorders in men

The results of recent twin studies of mood and anxiety disorder symptoms across the life span suggest some differences in the etiology of these symptoms in childhood versus adulthood. Only a few twin studies hav been conducted with children and adolescents, so we will begin with a review of the more extensive adult findings. We […]

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substance misuse and mood disorders

The relationship between substance misuse and mood disorders is a complex one.There is no doubt that the effect drugs have can depend on the mood the person isin before using them and the expectation they have of the outcome. Mood changesare also affected by the type of drug, its strength, frequency of use and withdrawal.Again, […]

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