Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

how is post-traumatic stress disorder treated

how is post-traumatic stress disorder treated Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder is not aweakness. The person needs support and understanding and not to be told ‘to snap out of it’. Avoiding discussion about the traumatic event is unhelpful. Encourage the person to talk about it. Avoiding situations that might trigger memories of the trauma helps […]

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post traumatic stress disorder symptoms list

post traumatic stress disorder symptoms list Traumatic or life threatening events (e.g. sexual or physical assault or mugging, severe car accident) have psychological effects. For the majority of people these decrease very soon after the event. Some, however, continue to experience symptoms of irritability, memory and/or concentration problems, low mood, loss of interest, problems at […]

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What is Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme reaction to witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event in a person’s life and can happen to anybody. The American Psychiatric Association’s (1994) definition of a traumatic event, as cited in Lovell and Richards, suggests that two major issues are present: first, that the events involved actual or threatened […]

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Treatmenting post-traumatic stress disorder

Treatmenting post-traumatic stress disorder:Preventing PTSD by psychological debriefing Psychological debriefi ng is a single-session interview conducted immediately following a traumatic event intended to help those involved cope with their emotional responses to the trauma and prevent the development of PTSD. It involves encouraging the individual to talk through the event and their emotional reactions to […]

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cases

Here is the case of Ron, which shows how both the situation and the reaction of the people around him can contribute to the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). At the time this happened, I was working in a small hut on an industrial estate. They had been building some more units and had a crane […]

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