Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


When men get raped

When men get raped Men can also be victims of sexual assault and rape by other men. This is particularly so for young boys who are raped by older boys or male relatives, as well as in prisons and other situations where men live close to one another. Male rape is an even bigger secret […]

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Things to remember when dealing with a woman who has been raped

Things to remember when dealing with a woman who has been raped • Rape is one of the most severe acts of violence that a woman can experience. It can affect her physical health, sexual health and mental health. • Rape can lead to unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection, and serious injuries. […]

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How to deal with being raped?

Questions to ask the woman • What happened? Get a detailed account of what happened. Did the rapist manage to have sexual intercourse? Did he hurt her physically? When did it happen? • How are you feeling right now? If the woman says she is feeling in control, it does not mean that the rape […]

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Who rapes a woman?

Who rapes a woman? Most often the rapist is someone the woman knows. A woman can be raped in a number of situations: • by a man whom she knows, such as an uncle or a neighbour or someone she works with; • by her boyfriend (this is sometimes called ‘date rape’); • by her […]

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How do women react to being raped?

How do women react to being raped? Some people argue that it is not possible for a man to rape a women unless she cooperates, for example by lying down and staying quiet during the rape. In fact, most women do put up resistance and many manage to escape the rapist in this manner. However, […]

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Why is rape a health issue?

Why is rape a health issue? Rape is one of the most terrifying experiences a person can experience. In some places, the woman experiences the double blow of suffering rape and then being discriminated against by members of her community. Because rape involves both physical violence and mental torture, it is extremely damaging to a […]

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