Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

self harm

Self-harm about personality disorder

This symptom is so common among those with personality disorder that to some health care professionals it has become almost diagnostic of personality disorder. This is a dangerous simplification for, although it is true that many people who have personality disorder do self-harm, there are many people who self-harm that do not have a personality […]

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Suicide Self-Harm Contract

Some people seek to harm themselves when they are severely depressed or, in somecases, kill themselves. It can be quite difficult to understand why people seek todo these things to themselves; therefore, it may be better to have a person who hasthese thoughts and tendencies to speak for themselves. The above is an example of […]

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Defining deliberate self-harm

The language used to describe how and why people harm themselves can reflect the judgements that are often made about this client group: ‘self-abuse’ and ‘self-mutilation’ assume emotive aspects such as guilt or self-loathing, whereas purely descriptive terms such as ‘cutting’ or ‘blood letting’ convey neither the choice that the client has made nor the […]

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The relationship between self-harm and suicide

In England, around 5000 people per year kill themselves, and suicide is the most common cause of death in men under 35. It is important to remember that the death of an individual impacts on his community, family and society in general. One of the target groups that the government has identified for reducing suicide […]

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Self Harm and Suicide

Suicide and deliberate self-harm Completed suicide is rare before puberty but its incidence increases during older adolescence. It is estimated that the figures for Britain are roughly five suicides per million children aged 10–14 years. The suicide rate in North America has been increasing during the last several decades and there is an excess of […]

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