Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

specific phobias

Preparedness of specific phobias

Many objects that are in the subject’s immediate environment when traumatic events occur do not acquire fearful properties. Subsequently, phobias are usually found in response to a limited set of all of the possible cues in the world. Observations such as these led Seligman to propose that certain stimuli are biologically ‘‘prepared’’ to become associated […]

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Genetic and Familial Factors of specific phobias

Genetic and Familial Factors First-degree relatives of people with specific phobias are more likely themselves to have a specific phobia providing evidence for the importance of either genetic or environmental family factors in the disorder. More specifically, a few twin studies demonstrated a genetic involvement in specific phobias but the importance of environmental factors was […]

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Somatic Symptoms of specific phobias

Somatic Symptoms When specific phobics are not confronting their feared object, they experience the least severe and debilitating anxiety disorder, generally demonstrating relatively normal levels of trait anxiety. Such subjective reports are supported by physiological assessment, which also demonstrates that specific phobics in chronic arousal are not different from normal controls. When confronting their feared […]

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specific phobias Cognitive Symptoms

specific phobias Cognitive Symptoms Studies of cognitive symptoms in specific phobics have not been very common, possibly because it has been assumed that any thoughts would naturally be related to the phobic object and because thoughts have not usually been considered etiologically important. Nevertheless, a few studies have asked specific phobics about their thoughts when […]

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specific phobias Clinical Features: Epidemiology

specific phobias Clinical Features: Epidemiology Mild fears of specific objects or situations are extremely common in the general population. Fears that are considered clinically severe are still relatively common compared to the other anxiety disorders. The National Comorbidity survey found a lifetime prevalence for specific phobias of approximately 11% in adults and the 6-month prevalence […]

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