Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


avoidance behavior symptoms

avoidance behavior symptoms You don’t have to be a behavior therapist to recognize the clinical signifi cance of maladaptive behaviors. And of all the maladaptive patterns of anxious and depressed students, perhaps the most widespread is avoidance. Anxious students shy away from confronting specifi c objects or situations (as seen with simple phobias and PTSD), […]

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adhd symptoms and behaviors

Th ere is much current controversy about the diagnosis and management of ADHD. Some reports indicate that this syndrome is being overdiagnosed and that treatment is being too quickly provided to young people, while others claim that ADHD is rather common and oft en missed and untreated or undertreated (Belkin, 2004; Elia, Ambrosini, & Rapoport, […]

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eating disorder symptoms and effects

eating disorder symptoms and effects Lots of people experience changes in their eating habits during times of stress. For example if someone is under stress at work they might eat less and lose weight. If someone recently broke up with a partner they may eat more.When the feelings of stress have reduced eating habits usually […]

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The signs and symptoms of dementia

The signs and symptoms of dementia EARLIER STAGES  Loss of memory, especially short-term  Loss of interest in activities  Reduction in communication skills  Difficulty in using the right words  Difficulty in understanding others  Difficulty in concentrating  Gradual loss of self-help skills  Wandering around aimlessly, not knowing where they […]

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acute stress reaction symptoms

acute stress reaction symptoms Nearly everyone who encounters a trauma (e.g. assault, natural catastrophe) experiences stress, sometimes to a considerable degree. The symptoms are immediate (within an hour) but most people recover within a few days. Symptoms often include palpitations, sweating, shaking, rest-lessness, hot flushes, difficulty in breathing, hyperventilation, and tense muscles. In severe acute […]

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post traumatic stress disorder symptoms list

post traumatic stress disorder symptoms list Traumatic or life threatening events (e.g. sexual or physical assault or mugging, severe car accident) have psychological effects. For the majority of people these decrease very soon after the event. Some, however, continue to experience symptoms of irritability, memory and/or concentration problems, low mood, loss of interest, problems at […]

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panic attack symptoms

panic attack symptoms  A panic attack is an experience of intense fear accompanied by breathlessness, dizziness, palpitations, and often nausea and chest pain. Most people know that this is a passing situation but some people think these features are warning signs of a heart attack, faint or loss of control. Such frightening thoughts can lead […]

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phobia definition and symptoms

phobia definition and symptoms A phobia is an irrational fear of the danger posed by an object or situation. The person will avoid the object or the situation. Phobias can be restrictive and disrupt a person’s life. The person might be afraid of open spaces (agoraphobia), heights, animals or injections, for instance. Social phobia is […]

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anxiety disorders symptoms in adults

anxiety disorders symptoms in adults Anxiety is a physical and psychological reaction to something that is seen as threatening. Anxiety is a normal human reaction that in some cases can be beneficial. For example, when going to a job interview, feelings of anxiety can make a person more alert. However, when the feelings of anxiety […]

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schizophrenia definition and symptoms

schizophrenia definition and symptoms Schizophrenia is a mental illness, which is characterized by profound distortions in the person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The person starts to see the world very differently from the way they normally do and from the way others see it. The person loses touch with reality. Schizophrenia can happen to anyone […]

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