Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


Things to remember when dealing with women who are being abused

Things to remember when dealing with women who are being abused • Abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional. Most victims of violence are women being abused by their male partner. • Violence is common; suspect it in any woman with unexplained injuries or physical symptoms, sleep problems or suicidal feelings. • Encourage the woman […]

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Why do some victims of violence develop mental illness?

Why do some victims of violence develop mental illness? Events that lead to actual loss of life or events that were life-threatening are more likely to lead to PTSD. Man-made disasters such as terrorist violence may be more traumatic than natural disasters because they can seem so senseless. Survivors of traumatic events in which others […]

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Alcohol aggression and violence

 Alcohol is strongly associated with violent crime, and research suggests that it contributes to aggression. The strength of the relationship seems to be culturally dependent, and the pattern of drinking seems to play an important role in causing violence. Thus, both the environment and the characteristics of the drinker infl uence the effects of alcohol. […]

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Violence and mental disorder

While public prejudice, backed up at times by the views of politicians simply assumes that mental disorder predicts violence to others, the considered empirical position about this relationship has varied over time. Broadly three phases can be identified: 1 The negative relationship phase. Studies of the relationship between mental disorder and violence between 1925 and […]

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