Mental health articles

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the baby blues depression

the baby blues depression The major hormonal, interpersonal, and diurnal shifts that accompany delivery can affect a new mother’s mood precipitously and manifest as “baby blues,” a syndrome of affective reactivity, irritability, fatigue, and general malaise generally
beginning around day three after parturition. Baby blues are generally normal reactions to the hormonal changes and stress after delivery, and generally subside
without medical intervention, within 2 weeks postpartum . In “baby blues,” suicidal ideation is not present and sad mood, worthlessness, and hopelessness are not pronounced. Although “baby blues” was previously considered
benign, increasing evidence suggests that women with these symptoms are at risk of progression to postpartum major depression . All women require the support of the family and community network with a watchful eye for worsening or lack of resolution of such symptoms.

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