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8 kinds of wrong understanding of anxiety

Don't struggle with anxiety   8 kinds of wrong understanding of anxiety


Error one: people suffering from anxiety disorders are fragile andtimid

 Many people think that people with anxiety disorders are very timid and weak, but Bienvenu thinks it is wrong. He explained that, althougha lot of anxiety of people is rooted in the fear, it is not the cause of having a anxiety. Clinical psychologist Bill Knaus said in the"psychology today": "Regret is a source of anxiety, and we are not unfamiliar with this feeling. Anxiety and fear's repeat are as ifwriting ceaselessly the word 'Regret' in the wall."


Error two: anxiety disorders should not be said

Allison Baker found that symptoms of anxiety is not need to cover up, the more harmful to hide. Most of them are quietly hidden in the heart by people, and not to be shown, thus, anxiety symptoms may accompany or cause other diseases, and even cause the abuse of drugs.


Error three: anxiety problems are derived from the unhappy childhood

 Childhood frustration is not unrelated with anxiety, but anxiety can be affected in each stage of life. Some people have a very happy childhood, but they still get an anxiety in adulthood.


Error four: the anxious person should avoid letting them fear

 David Spiegel, a psychiatry and behavioral sciences researcher at Stanford University said: "That miss the things what you are afraid of will not solve the problem at all. The terrible experience of people who have an anxiety can destroy them, and can also restore them. The more you can face something made you nervous, you will be more likely to take control of them."


Error five: drink can ease the anxiety

 Don't expect the beer can let people who are struggle with anxiety relax. In the short term, drink may have an effect on relax, however, in the long term, this is the only way which must be passed on to produce symptoms, and the chemicals of wine will aggravate the symptoms of anxiety.


Error six: the anxiety produced only in specific trauma

 Bienvenu thought that the parlance that some specific experiences and fear lead to anxiety is not accurate. Chronic anxiety usually is not caused by a specific trauma, but a kind of innate jittery.


Error seven: no matter what you say, don't let anxiety alleviates pressure

 Baker said: "if you want people who have an anxiety feel comfortable, the best way is to ask questions, understanding discourse can help them to calm down, because it will not let them feel the need to fight with anxiety. When people think of doing battle with anxiety every day, their anxiety can not be cure forever."


Error eight: anxiety, not good at all

 "Each of us may be touched on nerves at some," explained Baker. "In fact, each of us will experience some degree of anxiety, but it can help actually us improve ourselves. In the face of anxious people, you can imagine that you had a similar experience, then you can be more empathetic, more understanding and comfort to people in such a state.

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