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Abandoning holiday does damage to physical and mental health

Abandoning holiday does damage to physical and mental health
According to the report delivered in England ‘s “daily mail” on September 17, there is a fact showing that although the holiday is of great benefit to both physical and mental health, there still exists a considerable number of people giving up the chance of vacation. Last year, an amount of 56% Americans choose to discard their vacation. Besides, a recent study also shows that our physical and mental health would be negatively influenced as well as the shortage of resting time is concerned.
The largest medical charity in UK calling “phil health center” and the Swiss KUONI travel agency were cooperated in 2012 to conduct a study called “the experiment of health in holiday”, the participants of which involved 12 volunteers in the health assessment. The result of the research shows that those who do not travel frequently are always be troubled by higher level of blood pressure, as well as worse sleep quality and the deeper pressure.
The researchers said that the drop of blood pressure is of great significance in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. What ’s more, better sleep also dose good to the enhancement of immunity. The result of the research also shows that the majority of people become happier and progressively energetic with the influence of the vacation, and the pressure is also reduced. Moreover, the effect will also last about 14 days after the end of the holiday time, sometimes even grown for months. Lucy Goundry , the medical director of Nuffield Health Centers , said:” the clinical results showed the way of how to help people lower blood pressure , improve sleep during the holidays, and better manage stress levels. All of these results clearly show that a holiday for us can strengthen our body’s ability to cope with stress. I hope people can carefully plan their vacation. While working hard is important, the rest and recovery time is also indispensable.”
A research Published in 1991 in the American journal of epidemiology show that compared to the women who travel at least once or twice a year, those women who travel every six years or longer have more risk of developing heart disease. The experts think that rest, relaxation and decompression is very important to life and health, although these can be accomplished by everyday’s activities such as exercise and meditation, holiday is also an important part of the health. Rest does great benefit to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve the response ability.
Psychological experts say that inadequate time to holiday will have bad effect to our career, the reason for which lies in the fact that inadequate rest time may make people become easier to be annoyed at work, and are more likely to make mistakes. However, the vacation will allow us to solve the problems more creatively, as well as restore spirit, improve the level of happiness, reduce stress and emotional exhaustion, all of these can reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as promote to form better family relationships.
The researchers of Finnish health institute, find that those who work more than 11 hours a day have twice risk of having the prevalence of depression than those who work seven to eight hours a day. Therefore, what is recommended is that people can get separated from busy and stressful lifestyle and go for a holiday journey.

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