Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Adolescent health:Growing up should be fun

Growing up should be fun Adolescence is a special period in anyone’s life. It is that period when children begin to feel grown up, and when they begin to see themselves as unique and special individuals. They want to have friends. They need to study because they will face important examinations. In particular, adolescence is that exciting period when people first begin to feel sexually attracted to others. Adolescence begins around the age of 11 or 12 and continues until about 19 or 20 years. Adolescent health has become an important issue. If we can ensure good health for our young people, then the future of our communities is secure. Because so much is happening to the bodies and lives of young people, it is also the time when there is a greater chance of stress and difficulties. An important reason for our concern for the health of young people is their emerging sexual maturity. Promoting sexual knowledge and common sense among young people is an important way of preventing HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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