Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

affective disorders definition

affective disorders definition Affective disorders are mental health problems that are characterized by
abnormal changes in the person’s mood. They include depression, mania
and bipolar affective disorder (formally known as manic depression).
Paul is 22 and has severe intellectual disabilities. He lives with three other
men with intellectual disabilities in a house that has 24-hour staffing.
Paul enjoys a wide range of activities at home and in the community. He
cannot talk but shows people his needs by leading them to what he
wants. The staff are becoming concerned about him. Recently he has
been refusing to go to his morning activities and is generally not eating
breakfast or lunch, normally his favourite meals. He has also lost weight.
Paul has also started to bang his head against the wall or floor when staff ask him to help around the house. This is something he has never done
before. The night staff have also reported that he is getting up in the
night and finding it difficult to sleep.

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