Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

aggressive behavior example and intervention

aggressive behavior example and intervention People with schizophrenia are usually shy and withdrawn. Aggression is no more common among these people than in the general community. However, if you’re living with someone who does tend to be aggressive, you will need to know what to do when he or she becomes aggressive so that you feel more able to cope in these situations:  Give a firm command such as ‘stop please’. If the person doesn’t stop, leave the room or the house quickly  Leave the person alone until they have calmed down. If you’ve left the house, a phone call may tell you if he or she is calmer  Call the person’s clinician, or the Crisis Team if one is available in your area. Your local hospital or community mental health centre will inform you  Take any threats or warnings seriously and contact the clinician or doctor, particularly if the person has ideas of being persecuted  Afterwards you can say, ‘I know you were upset but we won’t put up with violence, ever’, or ‘You can tell us what you’re angry about, but you cannot hit anybody’  If you’re afraid for your safety over a period of time you may need to arrange to have someone else stay with you or be available on the phone, or to arrange for the person to stay elsewhere  Discuss any threats and violence openly in the family and with the clinician
 Try to see what triggers the aggression and stop or avoid that
situation (e.g. overcrowding in the house, criticism)
 If all else fails, it’s OK to call the police if you or your family
need protection
 Try not to argue or say angry, critical things that will provoke
more aggression
 Don’t stay around if the person doesn’t calm down and don’t
tolerate aggression or violence to you or your family
 Don’t let yourself or the family become the only ones the
person depends on as this can create anger

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