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Alone maybe is the intersection fatigue performance

Alone maybe is the intersection fatigue performance The Principal Investigator of Asian Institute of positive psychology-Wang Bing ● The survey in UK : The number of global Alone had An increase of 55% in the 15 years ● Expert's suggestions: Alone is favorable look into your heart , but we should beware of depression. once,"Hold your hand, and grow old" is what Most people desired.but up to now, this situation seems to be quietly changed.Recently, according to the British "Guardian " reported information consulting firm Euromonitor International 's market research shows that the number of living alone is growing rapidly worldwide,from 1996 's 153 million people to 277 million people in 2011 – 15 years, an increase of 55% . Among them, the maximum number of people living alone in Sweden , 47% of households only bite people ; followed by Norway , the proportion was 40 %. In Japan, 30% of households have only one person . In China , India, Brazil and other developing countries , single -person households is also growing rapidly. The researchers said that the rise of living alone , could change the way people understand themselves and intimacy , and even affect interpersonal communication mode. From the psychological point of view, first of all, choose to live alone because they have too much stress of modern life.In order to have a place in the competition, "concentrate " Coping with work and life , the family has gradually become a burden , people appear inconsistent , refused psychology.Secondly , to some extent means alone "communicative fatigue ."Society develops, the more complex relationships.Whether fewer friends, colleagues , family, really , we have more and more conflict of interests , in order to protect themselves, many people prefer to escape. Finally , the increasing shift of modern means of communication and developed, so that people can stay at home handed countless friends, and people talk about the world .In this context , the role of the family naturally accompany less important . We need proper " solitude " and thus look into your heart , give yourself a space and opportunity to completely relax . If a person can live forever , you may break the psychological balance, resulting aloof , passive burnout, enhance interpersonal distance and estrangement .After a long time, there may even induce depression. In fact, the emotional needs of training, exchanges and is better to learn how to get along better with others to and find a suitable person to accompany a lifetime rather than hiding to escape alone.Out of conflicting interests, for others a little more tolerance and understanding, not everyone wants to be so complicated, with a good heart to infect others. Also, see the neighbors, acquaintances, etc., you can try to say hello, give a smile and found that interpersonal warmth and fun. Remind yourself to look at some literature, philosophy books, make yourself a little more impersonal. The truly wise, should be like Zhu Ziqing said, "I love fun, love cool; love gregarious, but also love to be alone."

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