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Alternative Treatments for ADHD Children

Alternative Treatments for ADHD Children How to deal ADHD problem

Questions to ask the family

• What is the problem? Many parents are fed up with their child’s behaviour. Ask the parents about specific details of what the child does.

• Does your child have difficulty paying attention to things, for example attention to what you have asked him to do? Does your child have difficulty staying put in one place, for example difficulty in sitting in one place till he finishes his dinner or studies?

• Have there been any complaints from school? In ADHD, the behavioural problem will be obvious in all aspects of a child’s life. If the problem is only in school or in the home, then it may be related to a problem the child is facing in that particular environment, for example a learning

problem that makes it more difficult for the child to follow the teacher, which in turn makes him restless only in school.

• Since when have you noticed this problem?

• What have you tried to do to reduce the problem? Ask about violence in the family. Many hyperactive children get beaten to stop their misbehaviour.

Alternative Treatments for ADHD Children Questions to ask the child

• Have you been having any problems at home or school? Let the child give his point of view of the problem.

• Have you had difficulty following the teacher, for example do you have difficulty paying attention to what she says, or to your studies? Do you find it difficult to stay in one place for some time,

for example sitting in your chair through an entire class?

• How about at home? Do you have problems concentrating on things at home, for example finishing your food or watching television?

• Do you get angry with others? Or unhappy?

• Do your parents get angry with you? Why? What do they do when they are angry?

Alternative Treatments for ADHD Children Things to look for during the interview

A child with ADHD may be restless, fidgety, constantly trying to get up and walk around the room. She may interrupt what others are saying and talk out of turn.


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