Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

always tired and sleepy what could i take

always tired and sleepy what could i take

• Make sure the person is not suffering from a physical illness.

• Explain to the person and the family that the tiredness is real and is being caused by an illness.

always tired and sleepy what could i take. There is no need to specify that this is a mental illness, since this may have a negative effect on the family’s support. Instead, you can say that “When we are under any type of stress we can feel tired”.

• Explain that there are no specific medicines for tiredness. However, if the tiredness is caused by

excess stress, medicines for stress may be given.

• If the person is not sleeping well, give advice on how to sleep better.

• If the person has an alcohol or drug problem, give appropriate advice.

• If the person is depressed or anxious, suggest ways of dealing with this.

• Gradual increase in activity levels is often a helpful way of overcoming tiredness. It is helpful to

start with low levels of activity first, and to focus on activities which are fun. For example, spending 15 minutes in the morning and evening tending to the vegetable garden or going for a walk may be the first activity to be attempted.

always tired and sleepy what could i take. Once the person has been able to do this for a week, then move on to a higher level of activity.

• Tell the person to keep in regular touch with friends and relatives. If religious, be regular with visits to places of worship.

• Breathing exercises and problem-solving counselling can help.

• In cases where nothing else seems to be working, you can try an antidepressant medicine

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