Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

alzheimer’s disease case study

Mrs Graham, 87, was a mother of nine and had many grandchildren. Being a mother was her identity and what gave her purpose. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She could no longer carry out tasks independently and needed to be cared for throughout the day. She attended a day centre but did not engage in any of the activities and would repeatedly ask when she was going home; she said she was wasting her time there, doing nothing.

The staff asked the family to provide them with a photo album of her family that they could look at with Mrs Collins. In addition, they collected some baby dolls and baby clothes that needed to be washed by hand. Mrs Graham enjoyed doing this and then dressed the dolls. The process of caring for something led to her feeling more settled in the day centre and encouraged her to engage with the staff, while doing something familiar and useful.

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