Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)  has
developed a Web-based depression screening instrument in which an experienced
clinician reviews responses and sends a personalized, confi dential
assessment to the student’s self-assigned user name on the website. Students
whose responses suggest signifi cant psychological diffi culties are urged to
meet with the clinician for an evaluation.
In addition, AFSP has developed a 27-minute fi lm (along with a facilitator’s
guide), The Truth About Suicide: Real Stories of Depression in College. The
fi lm’s primary goal is to present a realistic and recognizable picture of depression
in college-aged students, encourage those suffering from depression and
other emotional disorders to seek treatment, and encourage those who recognize
the signs of mental disorders in a friend, roommate, or classmate to help
them seek treatment.

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