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anger and health problems

anger and health problems:Anger Hurts Heart And Increase The Risk Of Cancer

How much can anger hurt your body ? It is reported by a few experts from American’s cyber medical doctor web site  that anger can not only hurt our body’s important organs which hearts and lungs are included ,but also increase the risk of cancer and sudden death.In that way ,anger does shorten our lifetime.

1、Hurts hearts .According to a follow-up study by Harvard university which has lasted for 20 years ,wrath could increase the risk of MI or ACS 4.74 times higher .Another research has found that the rate of healthy angry people who got heart disease and died are 19% higher than people who are good at controlling their temper, the rate of angry people who died of heart diseaseare even 24% higher.

2、Harm the liver.A study form the university of Virginia declared that anger can lead to chronic hepatitis c patients became seriously ill.Duke university discovered that the level of  grumpy and aggressive people’s  C reactive protein are much higher .

3、Damage the lungs. American’s Massachusetts Smith institude’s physiology expert Benita Jackson and her colleages found that the older you are ,the easily you get angry .Finally, your lungs work worse .When we get angry ,we are over react,which results in shortness of breath,even worse ,you may gethyperventilation.And that means alveolar continued to expand,leading to the disorder of lungs.Experts explained that appropriate deep breath can relax our lungs and benifite lungs .

4、Be harmful to Gastroenterology.A completed study form Mount Sinai Medical School‘s professor Markbabeandreasbase’s found that anger will influence the sympathetic nerve excitement and  reduce gastrointestinal blood flow ,even more,anger will slow peristwalsis and loss your appetite.

5、Skin heal slower. The United States in the journal brain, behavior and immunity in Ohio university, a study has found grumpy man, self-repair ability more bad body, wound healing and more slowly. Angry will lead the human body to the increase of the stress hormone cortisol,which is associated with human tissue repair of two kinds of immune cells to reduce, leading to skin healing.

6、Get Cancer. A shortcut to the angry oppressed is lead to cancer. American physiologist Dr Love mar, a completedresearch found that angry 10 minutes take fitness is equivalent to 3000 meters. Angry for a long time lead to endocrine disorders and the body's immune function is low, make cancer are more likely to happen.

7、Sudden death. Journal of the American college of cardiology, published at Yale university, Dr Rachel, lampard is complete, a study has found a furious temper men are prone to stroke, not only are prone to sudden death. The study found, angry will have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. Provocation, muscle blood flow is higher than normal levels of lead to heart blood flow decreases, causing myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, lack of oxygen to the brain, shortness of breath, even sudden death.

8、Shorten our lifetime. The study found that angry will indeed shorten lifetime. Duke university medical center expert John barr ford on 118 volunteers were college students in the 25 years of tracking survey found that high degree of hostility to the participants to others, the rate of death before the age of 50 is up to nearly 20%. "Hostile", in contrast, participants with the lowest death rate was only 5% before the age of 50.

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