Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

anger can be a problem for personality disorder

This can be a huge problem for those with personality disorder. Both overexpression or under-expression can be the problem for this group of clients. Both can occur in the same person at the same time. Those with personality disorder often have a heightened sense of injustice and will often be the first to respond if they see someone else being unfairly treated or abused.
However, when the injustice or abuse is aimed at them, they rarely manage to be as vocal or stand up for themselves in the way they do for others. This is often because their self-esteem is so low and self-image is either that they deserve the abuse or that they are powerless to prevent it. This acceptance of abuse further
undermines their self-image and self-confidence and they often misinterpret it as ‘What I deserve or all I can expect’.
Some clients are so fearful of what they might do if they ever gave vent to their feelings of anger that they have learnt to repress these feelings completely. This fear of losing control is a major inhibitor when it comes to working with clients to help them recognise their emotions and deal with them appropriately, as clients who exhibit this symptom have great difficulty when it comes to being aware of
their feelings.
Other commonalities found in people suffering from personality disorder but not included in any of the diagnostic models are listed below.

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