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Anorexia and bulimia information

Here are two accounts of people with bulimia and anorexia. Despite both being concerned with eating-related disorders, the two discourses are completely different. The account of the person with bulimia centres on the drive to eat and the guilt and discomfort associated with it. That of the person with anorexia focuses on wider issues, in particular, issues of revenge and control. The pathways to each disorder differ across people, so although these may be considered ‘typical’ accounts in some ways, the accounts of other people with the same disorder may differ markedly.


I think it’s easier not to drink or take drugs than to eat normally. You can either take them or not. If you don’t want to – you just avoid them. But eating is so different. You have to eat  .  .  .  and once you – well, I – start, it’s so diffi cult to stop. I want to be slim and look good. And I like my food. So I say to myself OK. Today you will not eat till 6 o’clock and you will eat a healthy meal. So I start the day with good intentions. But then I live for food. I can avoid eating at lunchtime – it’s almost easy with people around me. But as the day goes on, I want food!! I don’t feel hungry. But what happens when I get home, I just want to eat. It’s on my mind, and I know there’s food in the fridge – lovely ice cream  .  .  .  chocolate. God, I love chocolate! Why can’t I like something healthy and low calorie?! I sit and watch the TV, but I’m thinking of food. I am now! Anyway, some nights I can get by, cook myself something reasonable – nights when I’m busy or interested in what’s on TV or something. But other nights, I just go straight to the fridge and have a snack. Unfortunately, it’s never a small one – what does that do to you? A couple of biscuits just doesn’t work for me. So, I tend to snack on something big and calorifi c. Even that would be OK if I could stop there. But I tend to think, ‘I’ve blown it now  .  .  .  I’ve begun to eat, so what’s the point of stopping now?’ Once I’ve blown away my good intentions, then I just give in to eating I suppose. So I eat and eat. I don’t stop when I am full. I eat till I am bursting. I feel uncomfortable, and I know I’m bound to put on weight. I feel really guilty – another day when I haven’t kept my good intentions. So, I make myself sick. I’m good at it. It’s not diffi cult now. Then I feel better. At least I can relax and know that I won’t put on weight. It feels such a relief. But I also know that I shouldn’t have had to do it, so I feel guilty and vow that tomorrow I will control my eating and not need to do it. But, of course, tomorrow never comes  .  .  .


My anorexia kicked in at age 13. I battled food issues for years before that. Mum was always on a diet – and I was often hooked into being her dieting partner, and sometimes competitor. Both our food struggles – I see now – only diverted our and the family’s attention from the emotional turmoil permeating our household. I became the convenient whipping post of my parents’ outbursts of anger, insecurities  .  .  .  I was hit a lot and verbally abused. At age 13, my parents cracked down and tried to totally control my life – friends, boyfriends – everything. That control pushed me over the edge  .  .  .  Dieting became an obsession for me. I dropped two stone in a month! The hunger was still there. Some days, all I thought about was food. But I was determined to conquer it. I strove for complete control – perhaps the only control I had. I felt repulsed if I ate – I had let myself down, lost control. I wanted to look good, to fi t the ideal of womanhood. But a large part of the drive was revenge! I loved to see my parents’ reactions to me starving. Dieting was no longer good, something to do with my mother  .  .  .  it was a weapon. Turning her own behaviour on her. They were partly angry because they could not control this part of me, and partly fear and worry. But I had control. They ranted, they shouted, and tried to get me to eat. But I wouldn’t – not for them. I began to lose contact with my feelings. I wanted to starve to be in control, to prove I could do it, but also because I deserved to  .  .  .  because I hated myself.

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One Response to “Anorexia and bulimia information”

  • Jayson Catani says:

    Dear Team at

    My name is Jayson and I am a volunteer with Hope For Ukraine Charity. I have found you on Instagram

    After two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, at least 6 million people have fled Ukraine to escape the conflict and another 5 million people are internally displaced.

    Leaving behind their homes, jobs and loved ones, Ukrainians urgently need shelter, food and water. More than 17 million people, almost half the population, require humanitarian aid.

    Life for the people of Ukraine has completely changed. Fighting and indiscriminate bombing has killed families and destroyed houses, schools and hospitals. Millions in displacement centres and damaged homes face temperatures below -20C.

    An estimated 1.4 million houses have been damaged by the war, and it is mostly older people and people with disabilities who remain behind in homes with leaking roofs, broken windows and no access to heating.

    Your generous contributions to our Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal helped over 140,000 vulnerable women, men and children access vital aid including food, water, shelter and counselling support.

    Thanks to you, our local partners are helping people to rebuild their lives after experiencing trauma, losing loved ones, homes and livelihoods.

    We have also responded quickly through the Caritas network – which CAFOD is a member of – to provide shelter, food and safe spaces for families who have lost everything.

    The humanitarian professionals and volunteers working on your behalf live locally and are from the communities that you are supporting. Many have been displaced by the war themselves. They understand people’s specific needs: from food and water, to shelter and clothing, to medical, psychological, and spiritual support. No two people are the same, no two crises are the same.

    Thanks to your kind donations and support, we have delivered vital assistance to over 120,000 mothers, children and elderly people since the first months of the conflict. We are part of a Caritas response that has reached over 2 million refugees and internally-displaced people. By working together we are making a difference to the lives of those in greatest need.

    When the emergency needs of families affected by the Ukraine conflict have been met and international attention turns to other crises, we are committed to be there in the long-term, to ensure that the communities you are helping can rebuild and heal.

    How will my donation help?
    More than 17 million people, almost half the current population of Ukraine, are now in need of humanitarian aid. With your help, we can keep supporting the increasing number of families who are in desperate need.

    Your donation will help local experts in Ukraine to keep providing:

    – food, water, and hygiene items

    – shelter and clothing

    – healthcare

    – education

    – counselling and group therapy.

    Please show your support for Ukraine by donating to the below cryptocurrency wallet addresses. No donation is too small. All funds received will be used to buy humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting bank payments as we are looking for a new banking partner.

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5
    Solana: G9quVAfjmRsLfT9xpacoUp7rkFAvdYEd44kHLhzaFVRu

    I thank you for your support and making a difference.

    Kind regards

    Jayson Catani
    phone: 5135388885
    Address: Acesso A Um 142, Porto Alegre, 91130-691, RS, Brazil

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