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anxiety disorders symptoms in adults

anxiety disorders symptoms in adults Anxiety is a physical and psychological reaction to something that is seen
as threatening. Anxiety is a normal human reaction that in some cases can be beneficial. For example, when going to a job interview, feelings of
anxiety can make a person more alert. However, when the feelings of
anxiety continue and are out of proportion with the actual danger of the
situation and affect the person’s day-to-day life it becomes a mental health problem.
Clara is 35 years old and has moderate intellectual disabilities. Clara and
her parents have recently moved to a new town. Shortly after moving
Clara’s mum noticed that she was reluctant to leave the house. She put
this down to her settling in. To cheer Clara up she took her to the local
shopping centre to buy some new clothes. During the car journey Clara
was unusually quiet. Once in the car park she became very clingy,
refusing to let go of her mum’s hand. As they walked through the centre
entrance, Clara started to breathe very quickly. She was hot and sweaty
and started to scream. Her mum took her home immediately. Now every
time her mum suggests even leaving the house Clara starts to shake and
runs to her bedroom. Clara is now refusing to leave the house at all.
There are several different types of anxiety disorder, but most have similar
signs and symptoms, which are described below:
 Breathing becomes faster
 Heart beats faster
 Sweaty and clammy skin
 Dry mouth
 Muscular tension
 Upset stomach
 Sleep disturbance
 Heightened senses and alertness
People with intellectual disabilities may also show the following behaviours
when they are anxious:

 They may become clingy to those they feel safe with
 They may need extra reassurance
 They may self-injure or become aggressive when they are in situations they find threatening

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