Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

anxiolytic medications and society

anxiolytic medications and society.Anxiolytics are effective in alleviating anxiety and anxiety-related disorders. People suffering from sleep, panic or anxiety disorders may find the use of this group of medication helpful in order to manage daily lives and the accompanied emotions of the disorder. However, their use in many stress-related disorders, for example unhappiness, may not be justified. Some users may become dependent on the use of anxiolytics; therefore, their use should not be long term and should be for the shortest possible duration. The continued use of anxiolytics as a coping mechanism should not be contemplated as a long-term solution; other therapeutic interventions such as anxiety management or learning coping strategies may be equally beneficial.

anxiolytic medications and society.The British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain regards the term ‘minor tranquilisers’, which has been used to describe anxiolytics, as ‘misleading’ as ‘their use is by no means minor’ and that this group of medication differs ‘markedly’ from antipsychotics.

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