Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill


Women, couples or families suffering psychological difficulties in the ante-natal period will be seen in a range of inpatient and outpatient settings in obstetric, psychiatric and community-based services. They may be assessed by a variety of medical and allied health clinicians, referred from a variety of sources with the
range of issues and difficulties described previously.
The details of a comprehensive assessment and formulation will be guided by
the presenting problem, the referral information, the setting in which the family is seen and the skills and resources of the clinician. The following principles can be used to guide an assessment, in whatever setting and capacity it is being undertaken.
The developmental progression that occurs during the nine months of
gestation and knowledge of the inevitable end to the pregnancy, usually with
delivery of the baby, can increase the pressure on the woman, the family and the clinician for resolution of difficulties and appropriate adaptation and change. At the same time the physical progression of the pregnancy adds to the impetus for change and resolution of psychological and interpersonal difficulties.

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