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autistic disorder signs/symptoms

autistic disorder signs/symptoms Autistic disorder is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by impairment in social interactions, communication, and repetitive behavior. The child diagnosed with autistic disorder exhibits inappropriate responses and impaired language when interacting with others and the environment. The child is unable to understand what is happening around them, leading to the child being aloof and isolated from peers and family. Researchers report that autistic disorder is more likely in
boys than girls, and parents who have a child diagnosed with autistic disorder will
have a 6% chance of having a second child with autistic disorder.

The cause of autistic disorder is unknown, although researchers have noticed
impaired neural development and impaired connections between nerve cells.
Researchers have also noticed abnormal structure and function in the brain.
Researchers believe there is a connection between complications in pregnancy,
genetic predisposition, and environmental factors that may influence development
of autistic disorder. Environmental factors include vaccines, exposure to
chemicals, and viral infections.

Some researchers have found that 78% of children diagnosed with autistic disorder
have a poor to fair prognosis of overcoming many characteristics of autistic
disorder. Approximately 60% will be employed, usually in volunteer or
part-time work.

Hallmark Signs and Symptoms
• Infancy:
• Does not seem to hear
• By 12 months:
• No cooing
• No waving
• No grasping
• No pointing
• By 16 months:
• Unable to say words
• Age 2:
• Rapid regression
• Unable to say phrases
• Loss of social skills
• Loss of language skills
• Age 3 and older:
• Impaired language development
• Inability to communicate effectively
• Repetitive motions and requires sameness • Poor eye contact
• Fearless and self-injury behaviors
• Unprovoked outbursts
• Inability to make friends
• Inability to be emotional
• Inappropriate make-believe play
• Preoccupied with objects

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