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back pain relief and psychotherapy

back pain relief and psychotherapy Psychotherapy Slow Back Pain

Talk therapy or a fixed method for the treatment of chronic pain. 42, Annabel of lower back pain for 10 years, always can't find the exact cause of the disease. Seriously ill, she hobbled or couldn't move.

Last year she was involved in an experiment, a new kind of talk therapy and the effect of physical therapy in the treatment of chronic back pain. New treatment is given priority to with mindfulness meditation combined with psychological counseling, require patients pay attention to the present and don't worry for the past or the future.

In the process of experiment, Annabel had one-on-one tutoring 8 times.

The author of the experiment, a psychologist named Tamar Pincus at the university named British Royal Holloway said: "patients in the trials are easy to negative thinking, but the more the resistance pain in the heart, the pain will be more intense."

In the process of tutoring, Annabel was asked to close your eyes and concentrate on feeling their pain, and then accept it, don't try to influence it. She said: "this method is very effective. My back and attack a few weeks ago, is still very serious, want to be in trouble I can only slumped on the sofa before, this time I went out to take a walk with dogs on a leash, after feeling a lot better."

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