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Be Careful Eight kinds of Bad Psychological Let You notHappy the Rest of Your Life

Be Careful Eight kinds of Bad Psychological Let You notHappy the Rest of Your Life

1.Full of negative thinking.
Unhappy people subconsciously has a lot of negative thinking.For example,when dating, if your mind full of thoughts such as "he can't be like me", then their behavior will become stiff, face also looks very depressed, theothers will think, "this man always pull a face, or don't contact".
Prescription: give yourself a positive psychological hint, these positive psychological prediction will really do come true.

2.. Look at the problem is not flexible.
The issue could not be considered from several aspects, we can't see the good thing behind "bad" thing, will miss the good chance, cannot see the hope.
Prescription: the United States before apple CEO Steve jobs has a coup: when he is facing huge setback, he always wants to "if tomorrow is going to die, I will how to choose".He is to face death by away and the distance from the present predicament, from a new perspective.

3.No goal in life.
For the ideal life of people more happy, for example, if the work is to realize the ideal groundwork, which will become a bitter and tired of satisfaction.
Prescription: personality, hobbies, and social realistic goals for life, and have the courage to try.Benjamin Franklin, American President) said, life is no failure, only stop trying.Therefore, any attempts to be encouraged.

4.Cannot see the beauty.
Gorgeous sunrise, blooming flowers, children smile…Not lacking beauty around us, but when we put all the attention on the negative things, can't see that beauty,  won't be happy naturely.
Prescription: write down three thing worthy of happy and grateful every day, makes you sensitive to good things change.

5. Repeated thinking about STH.
Somebody in a bit of trouble he kept thinking, make the event on the minutiae of the infinite amplifier, give yourself with double negative impact.
Prescription: might as well write worry about "bad things" could happen, think about the possibility of how big will happen.We often found that most of these fantasies of disaster is unlikely to happen.

6.. Always loves to pull a face.
Someone always cloudy face, love nature that others won't smile to him, happiness is difficult to pass to his heart.
Prescription: go out every day to let his become warped on the mouth.Psychologists have found that in the United States, smiles and happiness is influence each other.That is to say, try to smile, we are more likely to feel happy.

7.7. Thinking stereotype
See a problem thinking stereotypes, not from a new angle to find happiness, often worried for it.
Prescription: conversion Angle method
Not happy could we see the problem from the point of view of the related, should pay attention to look at problems from several aspects.If from one perspective, it may cause negative emotional experience;If from another perspective, you may find that its positive significance, so that the negative emotions into positive.This is the beauty of "conversion Angle method".

8. Insensitive type
Feeling some numbness of life or slow, happiness is on your side, but couldn't catch.
Prescription: activation method
American psychologist once by the method of make patients write diary happiness deficit disorder treated patients, found that patients after insist on writing a diary, activation of the feeling of things, happy life, much a few minutes.

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