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Be Careful Not to Be Defeated By the End of the Year With a Lot of Psychology Troubles

Be Careful Not to Be Defeated By the End of the Year With a Lot of Psychology Troubles

The year being around the corner,patients who go to the Psychological Counseling Departmentfor medical advice is increasing. Associate chief physician Huangzhicheng in Mental Health Hospital told our journalist that these patients’symptoms were mainly reavealed as fears and hatint to celebrate the end of  the year.Because of differences from jobs,identities and ages,their reasons for celebrating the end of  the year are as the 5 following types.

Symptom 1—Too much debt of gratitude,too much preassure

Several patients went to the hospital and complained that how to visit relatives is different because of tens of nephews and so on,although the end of the year was around the corner.The expense is hard to torlerant if he brought some gifts.Going home at the end of the year is human nature ,but it becomes a horrible thing.

Symtom 2—More social intercourses,more worries

Some patients are quite busy for work in normal days and wanted to relax themselves during the Spring Festival.But what invariably happens is that a lot of work and intercourses come one after another.”Intercourses” can be an easy case,and sometimes you can’t eat the delicious food for you need to avoid alcoholic drinks.Once you think about the more intercourses,you will be worried,anxious.

Symtom 3—Expectation is in vain with sigh

Nowadays competing with others in market is really tough and the pressure resulted from work is high.Several patients usually make plans which large,hoping to earn more,promoting higher,finding boyfriend or girlfriend quickly.But with the end of the year’coming,all are failures and even a satisfied girlfriend or boyfriend and cant’t be available.As a result,being trapped into failures and sighs,feeling no use of themselves and being afraid of seeing relatives and friends is human nature.

Symtom 4—Anxious for debts

Some patients themselves run a compared small company or business in sign.They has borrow some money for lack of money once upon a time and money is to be paid before the end of the year.But as the Spring Festival is coming,the business remains unchanged.As a result,no money in hands leads their anxieties and worries.

Symtom 5—Afraid of going home with many people and few trains

This sort of patients usually are from other places and going home during “chunyun” when countless people do this.For instance ,a patient’s home was in Gansu.He hoes home for 30 hours by train every year and sometimes stands all the way.Last year ,he stands for too many hours and illutions occurred.This year,when he thinks about the horriable thing,he is so worried about the same thing which may happen this year as well as the train.

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