Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Be careful of falling in to the wrong region when communicating

Communication is existed in everywhere and every time during daily work、living and studying. Active and effective communication skill is the important factor which determine to success in career、improve efficiency and promote affection. Although, you must grasp the following points during communication:

1. Superficially, communication seems simple. But it's hard to attain the goal in communication. Therefore, you must turn everything over in your mind before communicating with others.

2. In communication situation, it's probably to meet with someone who confident too much and look down upon others. Unworried, there is no harm for you to be more daring and relax, this might help you to get unexpected effect.

3. Successful communication relies on appropriate skills. At the same time, communicators ought to avoid of being too dependent on skills. Try your best to create more profitable attitude and motive. Open your hard, be sincere in communication.

4. Keep harmony and balance in communication. The purpose of communication is not to prove who is wrong or right, but to comprehend each other and avoid misunderstand.

5. Communication is bidirectional, dap from self-position, think deeply on the oppose side more. Avoid of talking to your own, that might cause unfavorable influence in communication.

6.Combine face to face dialogue with written formulation, it's moreeffective. Communicate to face is easier than communicate in writing. Therefore, written formulation is based on thinking again and again, your thought can be delivered fairly.

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