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bereavement counselling does it work

bereavement counselling does it work How to deal with this problem:bereavement
Questions to ask the bereaved
• What happened? Talking about the person’s death may help reduce the feeling of shock.
• Who will you be spending the next few days with? Who can you talk to when you need someone?
• How are you feeling? Let the person share their feelings and thoughts. You will often find typical thoughts of shock and disbelief.
bereavement counselling does it work–What to do immediately
• Reassure the person that experiences such as imagining that the lost relative is still alive, or searching for the relative, are normal and are not signs that she is going ‘mad’. Educate her
about the stages of grief so that she knows what to expect and is not worried about some of her feelings or thoughts.

• Encourage her to share her feelings with friends and relatives. As far as possible, she should not be alone for the first few days.
• If her community has rituals associated with death, encourage
her to participate in them. These ceremonies can often make
people feel supported by others. If she is religious, prayer may
help her cope with the grief.
• A discussion of feelings of loss and sadness may be helpful a
few days after the bereavement. The person may feel embarrassed
to share some emotions, such as anger. Ask her
about them to make her feel more confident that she can be
frank and open with you.
• If she has suicidal ideas, treat as described elsewhere.

bereavement counselling does it work–Special care must be taken with those who have been bereaved because of a suicide.
• Do not give simple reassurances such as “It’s God’s will” or
“At least you have children”. Grief is a universal human
experience, and your ability to listen quietly and allow the
sadness to be expressed is a treatment in itself.
• For sleep problems, you can give sleeping medicines. It is
often important for the bereaved person to sleep well so that
she does not feel tired in the daytime. Then she can make the
necessary arrangements for the funeral and not feel
overwhelmed by the work involved.
• Encourage a gradual return to daily life and work within three
to six weeks. Work and other activities can themselves be helpful in raising spirits and helping people to reorganise their lives for the future.
What to do if the bereavement is abnormal
• If the grief appears to be abnormal, you should consider counselling the person at least once a week. The counselling could include discussion about his relationship with the dead person
(exploring both positive and negative feelings). Ask him to bring photographs or other items
that remind him of the dead person, as this can help provide a focus for the discussion.
• If he shows signs of severe depression, treat with antidepressants.


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