Mental health articles

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Biological interventions for manic depression: mood-stabilizing medicines

Biological interventions for manic depression: mood-stabilizing medicines
Manic depression is treated with mood-stabilizing medicines such as
People with manic depression get depressed and need antidepressants to
lift their mood, but they may suddenly swing the other way to become
manic, needing sedation. To prevent these huge swings in mood,which are
so disruptive, a person is prescribed lithium. Although slight changes of
mood may still occur, the lithium should reduce the ‘highs’ and ‘lows’.
Lithium is sometimes also prescribed to help manage people with challenging
Lithium is taken on a long-term basis to prevent relapses. It is an effective
medicine but can have serious side effects. Before starting lithium the
doctor will ask for blood tests to check kidney and thyroid function. Once
the blood level of the drug has been stabilized blood tests are then done at
about six-monthly intervals.

Side effects include nausea, loose bowels, tiredness, hand tremor,
feeling thirsty and passing a lot of urine. These may improve after a while.
Chronic side effects include tremor, weight gain, drinking a lot, passing a
lot of urine, and slight forgetfulness. Some people on lithium become
hypothyroid (that is, their thyroid gland is under-active) and need to be
treated with thyroxine. If the person shows appetite loss, vomiting, diarrhoea,
hand trembling, slurred speech, unsteadiness on his or her feet or
sleepiness a doctor must be contacted immediately.
Also, it is important to know that, if the person is prescribed lithium,
they must stay on the same brand.
Carbamazepine is normally given for epilepsy but it can also be used to
stabilize mood disorders. Although lithium is thought to be more effective,
carbamazepine has the advantage of having fewer side effects. Sometimes
if lithium is not effective at controlling mood fluctuations then carbamazepine
is added. It is also sometimes used in the control of challenging
behaviour and epilepsy.
A common side effect is a generalized rash. This is not dangerous and
goes away when the medicine is stopped. Some people get nausea and
vomiting. Although rare, it is important for you to look out for signs of
dizziness, drowsiness, double vision, persistent fever, sore throat, bruising
or bleeding. If these occur consult a doctor immediately.

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