Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Body Image Distortion Disorder

It is widely believed that the person with anorexia nervosa does not see that theyare thin but reports that they see themselves as overweight. However, people whohave experienced anorexia nervosa state that this is not the case. They state thatthey are fully aware they are underweight but can also still feel huge and so havethese two contradictory thoughts simultaneously. They may alsoview their weight loss as an accomplishment (as it shows that they have controlover their bodies) and not an affliction; therefore, there is limited motivation tochange.

People with anorexia nervosa are said to have overvalued ideas regarding weightand shape. This means that they feel that people are judged by how they look andbeing thin is good, whereas being overweight is bad.Their self-esteem is strongly linked to their weight; they feel happier when theylose weight but desolate when they gain or do not lose weight.

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