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build self esteem in children

build self esteem in children Building self-esteem in children – ‘Let’s feel better about ourselves’
Building a sense of security
Children need to feel safe and know what is expected of them. To promote this build self esteem in children:
• have clear classroom rules and limits – rules can include the need to raise a hand before speaking in class, to ensure that everyone gets a chance to be heard, and the need to be polite, to ensure that everyone feels welcome and supported in this class;
• discuss the rules and the advantages of having them;
• place the rules prominently in the classroom and follow a predictable routine;
• ensure that there is no bullying in the class.
Building a sense of identity build self esteem in children
This means knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses and feeling
unique. To build a child’s sense of identity:
• encourage ‘all about me’ activities (collages, pictures and reports) to help children to get to know more about themselves;
• include homework assignments where children need to interact with other family members.
Enhance a sense of belonging build self esteem in children
It is important for children to feel they belong to a larger group.
• Allow opportunities for group work, where children help each other to present joint assignments.
• Discuss how to deal with conflict by stating accepted behaviour and limits.
• Help them develop tolerance towards those from different backgrounds.
• Point out their strengths constantly.
Build children’s sense of purpose 
Children need clearly defined goals towards which they are working. To promote this:
• convey reasonable expectations of all children;
• help children set their own daily or weekly targets and monitor progress;
• praise even the smallest progress in achieving these targets;
• display all students’ work prominently;
• praise more effectively and efficiently – try to say exactly what the student is doing that you like, for example “John, you are working quietly and doing your own work”, which is more descriptive thanm “Good work John”;
• be constructive – suggest what can be done rather than what has not been done.

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