Mental health articles
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bulimia nervosa treatment articles
Summary of evidence on treatment efficacy for bulimia nervosa
Systematic reviews have found that CBT versus remaining on waiting list reduces specific eating disorder symptoms and non-specific symptoms, for example, depression. One systematic review and one subsequent RCT have found that other psychotherapy (non CBT) versus waiting list improved symptoms. CBT more effective than IPT at 20 weeks but this difference not present at 4 months.
Systematic reviews have found that anti-depressants reduce bulimic symptoms in the short term but there is less certainty about their role in maintenance. There is not enough evidence to compare the different classes of antidepressants. One systematic review comparing anti-depressants and psychotherapy found no significant difference in bulimic symptoms. Combinations of anti-depressants and psychotherapy. One systematic review has found that combination treatment versus anti-depressants reduces binge frequency and depressive symptoms but not binge-eating remission rate. Combination therapy versus psychotherapy also showed the same pattern of differential response.
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