Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Campus Stressors for Particular Groups

Campus Stressors for Particular Groups
Some stressors particularly aff ect students from certain groups. Th us, the
workload and fi nancial pressures at certain schools probably make them more
stress-inducing than others (Greene & Green, 2000). In addition, students of
color oft en mention experiencing the following stressors:
1. Being a minority-group member within the campus community
2. Adjusting to a roommate from a diff erent cultural background
3. Confronting discriminatory or racist reactions
4. Feeling isolated from family and friends
5. Balancing the confl ict between family needs and academic demands
6. Coping with an increased sense of pressure, feeling oneself a representative
of others from one’s group
International students report the following stressors particular to their
1. Adjusting to a diff erent culture and integrating new experiences, or
acculturation stress
2. Having language diffi culties
3. Resolving confl icts between cultures
4. Confronting discrimination and prejudice
5. Being distant from family and friends
6. Adjusting to diff erent expectations within relationships
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered students may experience the
following stressors:
1. Being a minority within a campus community
2. Confronting discriminatory or biased reactions
3. Feeling the pressure to hide sexuality from certain persons and in
certain situations
4. Forming a positive sexual identity and self-esteem

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