Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Cannabis: a drug of abuse or a drug for recreation?

Cannabis or marijuana is smoked or eaten by communities around the world. It has many names, depending on where you are. For example, it is called mbanje in Zimbabwe, grass in the USA and
charas in India. It is one of the commonest drugs used today but is illegal in most countries. The majority of cannabis users cannot be considered to be abusing a drug because the use is casual and controlled.
However, some people may use it to such an extent that it affects their health. This can happen in two ways:
• because cannabis is usually smoked, it can damage the breathing passages and lungs;
• people with severe mental disorders (psychoses) can become more sick when they take cannabis.
Always make an effort to dissuade people from smoking (as you should for anyone smoking cigarettes), especially if they suffer from a severe mental disorder. However, be sure to explain to a concerned friend or relative the difference between cannabis and other, more serious, drugs.

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