Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Case Study Teen Depression

Case Study Teen Depression

Thomas was a 16-year-old boy who was in his final year of
secondary school. This was an important year for him and his family.
His family had spent a lot of money on his private schooling. They were all hoping that Thomas would go to medical school and
become a doctor. But Thomas had always been an average student.
He had never been interested in science subjects. Thomas studied hard for his examinations. But he started getting headaches and felt tired. He told his parents that his eyes hurt and he had difficulty reading his textbooks. His parents got his eyes checked, and they were normal. The headaches got worse and soon he started sleeping badly. Thomas did very badly in his examinations. His parents were angry and upset. Why was he not studying harder?
They had him take private tuition. Thomas started feeling tired and having difficulty following his studies altogether. His parents were now very worried. Thomas was seen by a health worker, who recognised that he was under so much
pressure to do well in his examinations that he had become stressed. She spoke to Thomas about this
stress and what his own feelings about his future career were. He said he did not want to do medicine but would prefer some other field. The health worker spoke to the family and shared her concerns that Thomas was under stress. The parents spoke to Thomas about alternative careers. After all, Thomas was
bright and if he was allowed to follow his own career choice, he might feel less pressured. He developed a closer relationship with his parents and began to feel much better.

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