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Child Abuse by Parents

The child who has been abused Child Abuse by Parents

Child Abuse by Parents Child abuse is any action that can hurt a child’s health or development. There are a number of ways in which children can be hurt.

Emotional abuse. This is the commonest, but least reported, type of abuse. The child is neglected

by not being given sufficient food or love and affection or medicines. Sometimes, just one child

in the family is abused, while others are treated in a different manner. Verbal abuse by shouting,

mocking and calling the child foul things is an example of emotional abuse.

Physical abuse. Many parents use a slap occasionally to discipline their children. However, when the physical punishment is more severe and more frequent, it can cause great damage to a child’s emotional health. Some children can also be hit so badly that they suffer broken bones or serious injury.

Sexual abuse. This is the most troubling type of abuse. Here, an adult uses a child for his sexual pleasure. He may touch the child on the sexual organs, make the child touch his sexual organs, or even try to have sexual intercourse with the child.



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