Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Childhood foster care placement and adult mental health outcomes

Reports on studies of adults with placement in foster care are scarce. However, the studies document long-term detrimental mental health consequences. Some reported from a British longitudinal follow-up study of persons born in 1970 that adults who had experienced foster care during childhood had higher scores on the Malaise Inventory, indicative of current psychological morbidity, than those who had never been in care. In this study, men were more likely than women to have seen a mental health professional since age 16 regarding a mental health disorder. In the Northwest study, former foster care adults demonstrated poorer mental health functioning than the general population sample, with exceptions being alcohol dependence and anorexia. At least one mental health problem was identified for 54% of foster care alumni relative to 22% of adults in the comparative population sample. The prevalence of PTSD and major depression during the prior year was sig

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