Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

children’s mental health resources

children's mental health resources Mental health and illness in children, and the measurement
of mental health and illness, are somewhat different
from that in adults. Overall, most mental diseases
can strike a person at any age (e. g., depression, anxiety,
 conduct disorders).  Attention deficit hyperactivity
disorders show an early onset, usually in the first
five years of life. For understanding the mental health
of children, age, developmental stage, and timing factors
are of high importance. A behavior that might be
quite normal at one age (e. g., fear of darkness in young
children) can be an indicator of a mental disorder at
another age ( separation anxiety disorder of childhood,
 phobic anxiety disorder of childhood,  social
anxiety disorder of childhood). Developmental continuities
have to be considered as well as developmental
discontinuities ( speech and language developmental
disorder,  reading and/or spelling disorder,  arithmetical
skills disorder,  motor function developmental
disorder, childhood autism). The environment and
adaptation of the child to the environment is another relevant
factor in understanding mental health and illness
in children ( elective mutism).

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